This is a request for prayer that was sent on April 2nd 2019 to the Wheresoever prayer partners via email. It is also posted here to expand the prayer base for this catastrophe:
Dear prayer partners. Mozambique is still in major crisis and needs your prayer. Some of you have asked if Wheresoever is involved in the relief work. The answer is YES. Many of you have been praying since the storms and hurricane first started their path of destruction more than two weeks ago – your prayers are being answered – thank you SO MUCH for them, this is the most effective way to help. Some of you have contributed financially to the relief effort – thank you again. With your involvement, Wheresoever is mobilizing our teams in Mozambique and Malawi. Below is a brief summary of the current situation and our response at this time.
Destroyed homes of Tony's congregation in Beira

Kenneth & team ministering
and giving gifts to homeless
families near Tete |
- God has been gracious to the Wheresoever teams. Nobody has been physically hurt. Even Pastor Tony is safe, he is expanding Wheresoever in worst hit Beira. Moses is also fine, he had metal sheets on his roof curl up from the severe winds and rain in Malawi.
- The most effective way for Wheresoever to help is via the people we know. I include initial approximate share of Wheresoever donations for this purpose.
- 40% Tete, where the main Wheresoever mission base is, was not in the direct path of the storm so is not likely to get much international aid.
The areas around a nearby river were badly flooded with many houses demolished and loss of life.
Four families that attend our meetings lost their homes and are now living at a school. We had heard there were 100 families sheltering there, but Kenneth discovered there are 622 families at that school which only has a handful of classrooms. The government has provided tents since the great majority is staying outside, but the tents ran out very soon and the rest are exposed to the weather.
Wheresoever and Kenneth have started to help with what they can using local donations – some rice, some corn flour which is their staple food, and other items.
- 40% Beira, many in Tony’s congregation have lost their homes or their roof.
Tony’s elder is accommodating as many as he can.
Cannot afford to buy food or bottled water. There is even a need for propane gas ovens so they can at least boil water and avoid cholera.
- 20% Malawi which has also had a lot of damage and families displaced, and also not likely to get enough international aid.
Wheresoever will help them via Enesia’s and Moses’ congregations who are already collecting local clothes and items.
- The first set of Wheresoever US and UK donations will arrive there later this week. Hopefully to continue for a few months.
- We are still considering the most effective balance of physical relief – food vs. roofs vs. water purifying pills vs. gas ovens vs. blankets.
- We will take every opportunity to comfort people with the Gospel. Tony is sharing the love of God and reported broken hearts are being healed.

- A synopsis of the current status across the affected areas (Mozambique/Malawi/Zimbabwe):
- As of yesterday, the official death toll now at 830 (518 in Mozambique), with thousands more still missing.
- Waters are now receding, exposing more bodies.
- Beira can now be reached by road. The main road to Beira has been re-opened after rebuilding a major bridge that had collapsed.
- Countless families that lost their homes and are now living in schools or tents on school ground, on the streets, under bridges.
- Generally people have lost all their possessions except for the clothing they’re wearing.
- Too many have lost family members and are in varying levels of shock.
- Hundreds of thousands have lost parts of roof, walls, etc., but are still camping out in their houses.
- Hunger is a huge problem. International aid food has started to come in, but not nearly enough. Prices have jumped so much that even when available, most people cannot afford to buy the food or bottled water they need.
- People are drinking the water off the roof, or if from well need to boil it and are afraid charcoal and firewood availability will disappear soon.
Thank God that tap water has been restored to a few areas of Beira.
- Cholera has already broken out mainly in two areas – more than 1000 cases reported. Plus 276 reported cases of malaria.
Eleven emergency cholera emergency treatment centers now set up, and a cholera vaccination campaign is starting tomorrow.
- Most of the harvest destroyed, so some form of international aid will be needed until this time next year.
- The need for Christian counseling and teaching on the love of God is so obvious, as sadly many people are feeling that God is punishing them through this disaster.
We hear that the port at Beira will be reopening soon, good news since it will multiply the amount of relief aid. This is the port where our new vehicle arrived!
Thank you for your prayers, your caring concern and all your enquiries.
All for Jesus,
Danny, Lindy and the Wheresoever teams
Note: Wheresoever Ministries is registered as “Ide a Todo o Mundo” in Mozambique and “Wheresoever God’s Big Foot” in Malawi.