The Wheresoever African Team visited Nambalambo, a very remote village. Here are Kenneth's comments:
God has people even in the bush. Wheresoever ministries reaches the unreached people. I pray that God should continue blessing this ministry. One pastor came crying for his village which is right in the bush where no-one goes to help and preach JESUS. We were touched and went to his village, we were surprised to see how hungry these people were, and the love they have for God. We preached the Gospel and saw people crying coming to Jesus. See the shelter they prepared for this meeting, but when the rains come they will be forced to stay away. The village is called Namalambo, to the west side of Tsangano, right in the bush where there is no hospital. They travel 40 km (25 miles) to another bush hospital. People there believe much in witch doctors and drinking water is dirty. They are kept by grace, there are no wells.
Help us praying that God should give us rain because until now we have not sown seeds. By this time ground would have been green.