Simao & Rosa and
Mafio & Maonga

Before the USA team arrived, I officiated the wedding of Simao and Rosa. Simao lived with us at the mission base as he needed housing while finishing his high school. Now he has finished at the teacher training college and is teaching, living way down in Mutarara (southern tip of the Tete Province). He's a great example of the power of mentoring. Because of what he saw, helped with and experienced while he was with us, this young guy has now brought together many pastors in the area and they are holding outreaches every week. They keep attracting more pastors because of the very visible signs and wonders. Not having seen this before, some of the locals called the police because of all the people falling down. After some testimonies, the police did not present any problems. He took over a church that had died, and it is now thriving. This is all while holding down a full-time teaching job. Seems like there are similar testimonies from most of the young men that have spent time at the mission base but have now gone on to the next season of their lives.
I was surprised at the beginning of the wedding when Simao's pastor and his wife (Mafio and Maonga) asked if they could be married as well. They were married many years ago in a tribal secular wedding but wanted to do it now before God (same as the mass wedding with the team). A few minutes later, after borrowing clothes and rings from here and there, they were ready to be married in the Church.