Balaka Church in Malawi - Help
The Hope of Glory church in Balaka, Malawi, is struggling. Christiano, part of the Wheresoever African team pastors the church together with his wife. The congregation started building this church over two years ago, with no external financial help. They were able to finish the walls but had not been able to raise enough funds for the roof. During the rains this last rainy season, the walls collapsed because of the lack of a roof. They desperately need around $2,500 to rebuild the walls, and still hope to take care of the roof themselves, although some help with that would also be greatly appreciated. This church is bringing light into a muslim area of Malawi. In the picture below you can see the stick church that they are currently meeting in, and the fallen down walls around it. Wheresoever has only been able to help with a very small amount, we're praying for more donors.